A limited company’s date of incorporation is the date that it is registered at Companies House in England and Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland. On this date, the limited company comes into existence as a distinct legal ‘person’ that is separate from its members and directors, can buy property its own name, and is responsible for its own debts and liabilities.
Can a company start trading on the date of incorporation?
A company can start trading from the moment it is incorporated. However, it is possible to register the trading status of a company as ‘dormant’ (inactive) for Corporation Tax purposes for an indefinite period of time after incorporation. This means you can set up a company for the purpose of protecting or reserving a company name or preparing a business for future trading.
Where can I find a limited company’s date of incorporation?
You can find the date of incorporation for any limited company on the public register of companies, which can be viewed online via Companies House. The register, which is free to access, also displays the following details about a limited company:
- full company name
- company registration number
- registered office address
- details of all current and resigned directors and company secretaries (‘officers’)
- People with Significant Control (PSCs)
- annual accounts
- confirmation statements
- Certificate of Incorporation
- memorandum and articles of association
- mortgage charge data
- previous company names
- insolvency information
You can also find the date of incorporation for your own company on the certificate of incorporation. This document, which is issued by Companies House as evidence of a company’s legal registration, contains the following details:
- date of incorporation
- full company name
- company registration number (CRN)
- jurisdiction of incorporation
- registered office address
- type of company – i.e., limited by shares; limited by guarantee, limited liability partnership (LLP)
- legislation under which the company is incorporated
You will need to refer to this certificate or provide a copy of it at various times throughout the life of your company, for example, when registering for Corporation Tax, opening a business bank account, or applying for finance.
Please note that the information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax, or professional advice. While our aim is that the content is accurate and up to date, it should not be relied upon as a substitute for tailored advice from qualified professionals. We strongly recommend that you seek independent legal and tax advice specific to your circumstances before acting on any information contained in this article. We accept no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage that may result from your reliance on the information provided in this article. Use of the information contained in this article is entirely at your own risk.
Hello, this is truly a magnificent article, and I enjoy the meticulous detail you provide. I will certainly link back to this entry in my newest blog post.
Thank you for your kind words, Shauna. We glad you found the article to be of a high standard.
Kind regards,
The Rapid Formations Team
Let’s say Company A (incorporated in 1 Jun 2000) is being acquired and has it name changed to Company B with legal registration done dated on 31 Aug 2016. Which date should I note as Incorporation Date given my company is now Company B?
Dear Erica,
Thank you for your message.
The Incorporation Date for a company never changes irrespective of what the name of the company changes to.
Best regards,
Rapid Formations Team.
Is the “made up date” of a Company the same date as “Incorporation Date”?
So therefore are annual returns due on the anniversary of the incorporation date each year?
Dear Sandy,
The made up date is normally a reference to the date a Company’s Confirmation Statement is made up to and for companies formed after 30 June 2016 the made up date will always be 30 June in whatever year you are currently looking to file the annual Confirmation Statement. If ou file supplementary confirmation statements at times other than 30 June, this will not change the made up date.
Best regards,
Rapid Formations Team
If a company was incorporated on a certain date e.g 01/01/2016
Is it possible that a company was trading years before its incorporation date?
so for example the company was set up and actively trading in 2011 but wasn’t registered until 2016? is this possible?
Dear Eric,
Thank you for your message. A company is formed on a set date as you have noted so any trading prior to that would have to have been under a different organisation, whether a sole trader or partnership etc.
Best regards,
Rapid Formations Team
What happens in the case where you receive the certificate of incorporation that states a certain date then on further inquiry find out that the company was actually registered at a later date. What date stands as the actual date the company was incorporated?
Hi Sammy,
I have never heard of this issue before.
The date of company registration should always correspond with the date stated on the certificate of incorporation issued by Companies House. Is it possible that the certificate you refer to is actually a Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name? – in which case, the incorporation date remains the same but the certificate would also state the date on which the company changed its name.
Best wishes,